Time: December 8, 2011 from 7pm to 9pm
Location: EOB Cafeteria
Street: 101 Monroe Street
City/Town: Rockville, MD
Event Type: meeting, /, party
Organized By: Tricia Laut at TLAUT4479@GMAIL.COM
Latest Activity: Dec 7, 2011
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CERT POT LUCK HOLIDAY PARTY - Thursday, December 8, 2011 Executive Office Building (EOB), Cafeteria
7:00 – 9:00 p.m. (regular meeting time) (Set-up 6:00 and Clean-up 9:00). Free parking in the COB Garage, entrance at Jefferson and Monroe streets in Rockville.
Please tell Tricia Laut (email below) what food and supplies you would like to share. Also please sign up to help set up (move tables, decorate for all holidays, run AV, etc.) or clean up, or to help with the Bazaar. The attached list shows suggested food categories for the Pot Luck and suggested items for the Bazaar, as well as equipment and supplies that we need to borrow for the event.
If you bring food items, please bring serving spoons, forks, tongs, etc., marked with your name so you can get them back at the end of the celebration.
The BAZAAR will be a chance for all of us to bring in any items for our Go-Bags or Emergency Supply Kits. There are so many items that it's cheaper to buy in large quantities, that one person would never use in a lifetime. So if you have or want some of these items, you will have the opportunity to trade or purchase items from other members. We’ll also have a sign-up sheet for anyone interested in purchasing some supplies together to get the best price.
Please take a few minutes to look at your Go-Bags or Emergency Supply Kits, to see what you may have to share or sell, and make a list of items you need. Reminder: this is a great opportunity to make a list of items you want to put on your gift list for the holidays. We’ll have copies of sample Go-Bags to give you ideas (and let us know if you want to bring yours to show off!).
Please contact Tricia Laut at TLAUT4479@GMAIL.COM by November 30th to let us know what you think you’d like to bring. You can choose by category even if you haven’t decided exactly what to make.
The Holiday Party is a long-time Montgomery CERT tradition, a chance to get to know family and friends and to introduce them to those CERT people you have been hanging out with all year. Also, it's a time for reviewing our accomplishments (bring photos to show on our AV system) and honoring each other.
Does anyone plan on bringing their children to the pot luck? I'm trying to decide whether to bring my kids along. Thanks.
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